Saturday, November 2, 2013

Transformation of Thought Process From "This is not my thing to do" To "If no one is doing it, let me do it"

~~ Transformation of Thought Process
From "This is not my thing to do" To "If no one is doing it, let me do it" ~~

While sitting in my office during lunch hour my eyes caught a very realistic question that was raised at my FB page by a lady.  The problem in this query is so widespread specifically in Pakistan that I can’t able to resist myself to wait till evening, the time which I dedicated to myself for such barnstorming and similar other activities. The query is as follows:

The Problem:
How to handle the situations when both the following thoughts and the related queries are struggling in one's mind, peer pressure being the additional influence. Does the following situation comes from the weak role clarity or is it something else?

A Workplace Dilemma:
Thought #1: "This is not my thing/task to do. It does not come under my Job Description".
Thought # 2: "At organizations, its a team work. If no one is doing it, let me do it, its not a big deal if it comes under my job description or not".

1. In relation to thought # 1: Where is the spirit of volunteerism and team-work spirit?
2. In relation to thought #2: What about placing Monkeys on one's shoulders. (taking workload of others)

~By a Working Lady of University of Punjab (IAS Department)

Good question.....

This is the behavior issue directly related to the attitude of a person or a group. It depends upon many factors like feeble JD or directions as you mentioned but if we want to explore the core of this problem then let’s have a deep dive.

A resource working with both school of thoughts in his/her mind is the result of the "Environment of organization" which is directly related to Organizational Behaviour. Here we have two levels to be highlighted for the sake of better solution.

As a manager to handle such situations, one should be mature enough to develop synergy by motivating the team with the spirit that what a person is doing for himself and for others is not just for compensation s/he is receiving against said duties; instead working as a team will make them able to provide such results through which they all be recognized internally and externally.  They can able to claim that they develop such KPIs which are result oriented and proven to be best and hence their market value internally / externally will get raised.  

As an individual; employee should have to motivate him/her self that to do work is a responsibility against job and to produce innovation individually or through teamwork is the value addition towards it, which not only provide best proven results but along with that a MUST factor that is personal grooming also enhanced.

In practical life we all are working in our capacities and always try our level best to prove ourselves, but still  at the end of the day when we sit relaxed and start thinking about our achievements we will find that the results are not as they are expected against the efforts.  And finally we came to the conclusion, “this is our LUCK”, because what one can possibly able to do, has been done. Now this is the phase where the actual problem starts, because instead of thinking that where there were gaps left in the working flow of the philosophy of our innovation or creation, we start thinking about the efforts we pulled in. Once we start thinking about the gaps, we are in the position to start realizing that where we are actually standing and how we will able to improve our selves (Role of mentor may also involve here).

This is the turning point and if a person is able to succeed it, then the myths of wisdom will going to open for him/her self. At this point a person starts to think WE instead of I; thinking shift will lead him/her towards the approach that thinking out of box or doing innovation is not just for recognition; instead, this is for his /her own personal grooming which leads him/her internally and externally towards the fraternity of proven professionals and leaders.

At both levels one can change the mind set by developing such attitude of him/her self and others through behavioural changes in an organization.  I hope this might help you to resolve your query.


~Khawaja Imran